We went to the OB yesterday to get the results of some blood work and for the ultrasound. Blood work all came back fine thankfully, not that I was very worried about that since I think I'm a pretty healthy person :) The dr did advise me to avoid high energy/lots of movement activities such as jumping, running, carrying heavy loads etc. which means my kindergarten class is going to have to deal with dancing and running around to the songs by themselves! I was also glad that Tomo was there to hear that because maybe now he'll start helping out a little more around the house...
My favorite part of the doctor visit is the ultrasound of course. I love seeing how much this little thing grows between each visit! This week is week 15, which according to some forums online could possibly be far enough along for finding out the gender. I was excited to see if the OB could make a 50% guess! Sadly, she wouldn't even look. However, the baby was very very active and the Dr said it looks quite healthy, no obvious problems. I was surprised by how much it was moving around and all the little details we could see this time! It was swimming around, doing little flips and turns, flexing fingers and arms and legs. We could see the little fingers and toes, arms, legs, even the little nose and eyes! Tomo's comment: "wow, it actually looks human." Yes dear, well it IS a human! Haha. He was, once again, showing all of his excitement during this visit which he doesn't express at home. He even called his mom to explain everything this time! Usually he doesn't do that, though I'm sure she would appreciate it if he did.
Other than an update that my morning sickness is 90% gone (gained back about 4-5 of the 9-10 lbs I lost) and I'm starting to get a baby belly (had to buy more comfortable pants!) there's nothing more interesting to add this time around. Our next appointment, which will be the gender reveal, is a month from now. Such a long wait!