Friday, December 21, 2012

Getting Bigger and Bigger~

     There's really not much to update this time around. I'm now 24 weeks and some odd days and had my Doctor's appointment this week to check up on the little guy. He's still very healthy and moving around quite a lot! I can feel the kicks everyday now. Tomo has yet to believe that he's kicking/punching/moving enough so that I can feel it inside and out. He thinks it's all in my head....but it's not, and someday, when he has the patience to wait for it, he'll feel them too. It's not very regular right now so Tomo is reluctant to sit with his hand on my stomach waiting for the possibility of a kick. I know soon enough they'll be strong enough and regular enough that he'll get the chance to feel them though.

     The doctor's visit was pretty quick and uneventful. I was told I gained too much weight even though it's only up about 4kg (~9lb). The doctor told me that she only wanted me to gain about 5-6kg (11-12lbs) total! That's obviously not going to happen as the baby will probably be anywhere from 6lbs when he's born...Japan is very strict about weight gain. I think it has something to do with the fact that they mostly perform natural births and believe a smaller baby is easier to give birth to...but it's also probably because their body build is smaller. I was also told at this visit that the sugar content in my urine was too high. They took some blood to check up on that. Hopefully it was just that day since I had eaten a bunch of cookies from baking the day before and had chocolate milk right before the appointment...Other than those little mishaps, everything was fine! He's still a boy, still moving, heart is still beating. He weighs about 750kg which is about 1.6 lbs and right on track. Sadly I wasn't given an ultrasound picture this time around (probably because she was mad at me about my sugar and weight!). And yes, we are still planning on the name Jacet(t?), though spelling is yet to be decided.

On another note, Christmas is coming! The house is decorated and even though we won't have presents under the tree, it still feels Christmas-y. My family (plus grandparents) sent a nice Nativity Scene for Christmas and Tomo's parents sent a nice, warm blanket. My grandparents also sent some adorable baby clothes, blankets, and toys :) Tomo and I had a little "date day" and went to see some pretty Christmas lights (after we picked up my new Resident Card with a renewed 3 year Visa!). Tomo has to work Christmas Eve, but he promised to come home early so we can have a Japan Traditional KFC and Pizza Christmas dinner and go to church. Yes, I convinced him to go to Christmas Eve Mass with me! Christmas Day we have no plans so far except for me making dinner American Christmas style...except with not so much food since it's just the two of us. After Christmas is the New Year! Tomo has to work both New Year's Eve AND Day so that will be uneventful. I'll still make food for New Year's Eve and spend the night watching all of the Music Concerts they show on tv while I wait for him to get home.

 Enough rambling. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to everyone!