Friday, November 29, 2013

7 Month Stats

We went for Jacet's 7 month check-up yesterday. He seems to be right on track, though on the smaller side. Since he's gaining weight on the right curve, even though it's on the lower part, it's not a problem, thankfully. Just a small baby I guess! It's probably because he moves around so much all day!

   He's reaching all of the correct milestones, but needs to work on his sitting. He can sit but not very well, and basically prefers to crawl around instead. The doctor said to practice with him because if he can't properly sit, he won't be able to stand on his own, but really he seems fine. 

   He still hasn't gotten up on his hands and knees for crawling...still doing the army crawl, but he does get up and rock back and forth and does manage a few steps before reverting back to the method of moving that he can do easily. He's more interested in grabbing on to ANY surface and trying to stand! Nothing is safe on the table or tv stand...and forget about the diapers! He is also very intrigued by the rice cooker. I had to tape it closed because he figured out that the button opens it. Can't have him doing that while rice is cooking! Not to mention that he immediately stands when he wakes up in his crib at night...IDK if he does it in his sleep or not, but I hope that ends soon because I feel like part of the reason he won't go back to sleep on his own is because he can't get down! These days our days consists of stand up, fall down, cry, soothe, stand up, repeat. Since our floors are hard, I've been putting the table on the blanket for padding. Hopefully we'll be getting a new rug soon for the winter though!! 

So here's a breakdown: 
Weight: 7830g (approx. 17 lbs)
Height: 67 cm (approx 26 in.)

Milestones: army crawling, standing while holding on to things, pincer grasp is coming along, transferring things from hand to hand, finger foods, opening drawers, and saying consonant sounds like "ba," "da," "ma."
Ready for the cold!

Some Other Jacet Stuff:

Here is where I am going to write out a bunch of stuff. It might not make sense since I haven't organized my thoughts or anything, plus Jacet is probably going to be waking up from his nap soon and I want to get this finished!

We bought him a walker to keep him occupied and interested. He likes it enough. He's figuring out how to play with all the different things on the tray part. He loves to spin the thing with the balls inside. But mostly, he just uses it to reach the things that he can't reach when he's on the the curtains (Our curtains are too short for the window doors so they don't reach the ground). We also bought a gate to keep him out of the kitchen and getting into things since he now knows how to open drawers and doors. It's nice not having him around my feet while I'm cooking.

busy day...
He is now on cold #2. We didn't get medicine this time since it's just a stuffy and drippy nose, whereas last time was the nose and a nasty dry cough. Hopefully he gets over it soon! We both need more sleep!

He also got the first flu shot the other day. Didn't even cry at all. Not even a little. I didn't even notice the doctor did it, he was so fast. Jacet probably didn't even realize either. Probably still doesn't realize haha. No side effects so far either.

We now do 3 meals a day of solids. Fruits at breakfast, veggies at lunch, and veggies plus some miso soup at dinner. Occasionally I'll throw in some finger foods too depending on what I'm making.

Some Me Stuff:

Mommy <3 Me
The only really interesting thing that happened is......I got a job! I'm sure most of you read about it on facebook. It's a job translating recipes from Japanese to English from a very popular Japanese cooking website. They're trying to spread the joys of Japanese cooking to other countries. I actually use that website (in Japanese) almost every day for dinner ideas. It's the perfect job for me right now. I can do it right at home whenever I have the time. I can even do it from my phone, so when we're out or Jacet won't sleep, I can still get some work done. I get to learn new recipes, improve my Japanese, AND get paid for it! It doesn't pay much, but it will be nice to have that little bit of extra "me" spending room every month.

And that's all for now! Since it's Thanksgiving back home...Happy Thanksgiving!