Sunday, February 24, 2013

A Lot Going On!

   A lot has been going on lately. Last week I had a birthing class to go to, a doctor's appointment, work of course, and packing for the move. I know I updated recently, but it doesn't hurt to update more right?

Birthing Class:

It was pretty informative. Tomo had to translate some things for me but I think I got the basics. They basically went over what labor signs to look out for, when to head to the hospital, what to bring, how to bring it, what to expect during the stay (we stay for a week), and some breastfeeding information. They handed out a booklet of information that I'll have to go over with Tomo sometime.

Afterwards we took a quick hospital tour, which I think I mentioned in the last post. It was just like the pictures in the pamphlet and website. So old-fashioned and cold looking! I felt like I was taking a walk through the past. There's a labor room where I'll labor until the baby's head is about to pop out, then they transfer me to the delivery room and prop me up in one of those chairs with the leg holders that keep the legs open. Looks so scary! There's equipment everywhere and green walls and it looks so much like an operation room....There's also the possibility of 2 women being in labor at the same time, right next to each other, with just a curtain separating the two chairs. Yikes. BUT the rooms where I'll stay for the week seem very nice. They are all private so there's no chance of sharing a room unless the hospital is overcrowded, which they say very rarely happens. The baby gets put in a little compartment attached to the bed so I'll get to be with him day and night if I'd like, which I would. BUT (yes another but) the room that's included in the price we pay doesn't include a shower, just a toilet. If I want a private shower I have to pay extra so we'll see how I feel about that. Oh and we have to pay extra for TV, but I think I can deal with no TV for a week.

Doctor's Appointment:

     After the hospital tour I had an appointment with the doctor. Everything is going fine. My stomach is small for how many weeks I am (34 now!) but Jacet is still growing on schedule. That's really the only update I have on that, and it's not really an update because it hasn't changed from last time! My next appointment is in 2-ish weeks so maybe I'll "pop" then...


    So as many of you know, we're moving because Tomo got transferred. The official move is on Wednesday, so packing has begun! It's hard to pack everything while pregnant but I'm being careful and Tomo's helping of course. Tuesday we'll be going Tokyo to get the key for the apartment and have dinner with Tomo's Block Leader, which means that the packing technically has to be finished by Monday since the movers come Wednesday. Only one day to pack up so much stuff still!

Other Stuff:

    Recently my sister had asked me to send her links to Japanese websites of baby things that I wanted and she would try to get something since I'm not having a baby shower. So, because of that request, I made a short "registry" type list at Amazon Japan. Since it's based in Japan, the shipping is cheaper or free and they have English so I think (hope) it'll be easy to buy things. I don't want to sound like a beggar, but I do get jealous seeing all the people in my baby forum having their showers around now! I'm not going to ask everyone to buy me things, the list is more for people who were thinking of buying things anyway or want to buy things. The items are mostly Japanese, but I wrote little descriptions in English on the right hand side :)

Here's the link for the list:
(If the link doesn't work, just copy and paste it into the address bar)

Our new address is on there as well for anyone who would like to know it :)

That's it for now. Stay Tuned!

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