Saturday, May 11, 2013

1 Month!

  My baby boy has already turned 1 month old! Time really does fly by. He's gotten so big already and looking back at pictures from when he was born show such a big change!

Jacet and I both had our 1 month checkups this week. He now measures 53 cm (about 21 in) and weighs 4.5kg (about 9 lb 12oz). He's gained about 3.5 lbs in a month, which is very good and it puts me at ease to know that he's getting enough milk from me.  He is getting better at holding up his head and is starting to make noises besides grunts and squeaks. Soon he'll be making "ooh's" and "ah's!" 

  He's been more active and awake during the day, which is both nice and exhausting. During the night he sleeps for 3 hour stretches, which is surprisingly refreshing for me. I'm not as tired as I thought I would be.  He also recently went through a growth spurt where he would fuss and be cranky and eat often. That, thankfully, has passed for now! 

As for me, I'm still trying to breastfeed and we are slowly getting better at it. We have good days and bad days. I haven't lost all the pregnancy weight but now that I'm cleared for exercise maybe it'll come off quicker! I can't wait to start taking Jacet out for quick walks through the town and parks. We've been cooped up inside for far too long!

Overall I am healthy, and he is a healthy, chubby, adorable 1 month old. And he's all mine!

Next up: passport application and vaccines!



  1. Gramma and Grampa just looked at your pictures and read your blog. They can't wait to hold him.
    They think he's the best looking baby especially his cheeks! Get over here soon!

  2. He IS the cutest baby!!! What a face...I love it. You and Tomo are so lucky to have this little person that is all yours and will love you forever!!
