Saturday, June 29, 2013

Moving Again...

    Yes you read that right. We are moving yet again. What was supposed to be a six month stay turned out to be a short 4 month stay in this town. We got a short 2 week notice about the move and I've got only 4 days to pack up EVERYTHING! On top of taking care of a (almost) 3 month old! Not to mention getting ready for our vacation to America, which is a short FOUR days after we move! It's going to be a busy busy week!

     Long story short, Tomo's store is moving to a bigger, better location and Tomo is not quite at the level required for management of the new store. So, we get sent to a different town that has a store that suits his level. In this case, we are moving to a much smaller town somewhere in the semi-countryside. We will be surrounded on all four sides by mountains and there were not very many housing options! We will be leaving out very nice, spacious apartment (if you haven't seen our current apartment, check out pictures HERE )  for a very cramped, small, but two story house-type apartment. Sort of like a duplex, except really small. I'm a little worried that we won't be able to fit all of our stuff! But we will probably only be staying in this new place until March, so we will have to put up with it. A good point: There are a lot of hot springs and ski slopes in the area! I don't really ski or snowboard, but Tomo does so at least he'll enjoy that.

Of course I will be taking pictures and sharing with everyone once we're settled in and probably after we get back from the states.

Quick Baby Update:

 Not much to update here. Poor baby has what's called a "Bohn's Nodule" on his gums, which is basically a keratin filled cyst that looks like a tooth and should disappear once the actual tooth comes in. So Jacet has been acting like he's teething already! Lots of drool, everything goes in the mouth, chew chew chew. He was a little cranky about it at first, but I think he's getting used to it since he has calmed down.

  He also had a clogged tear duct, which means that his eye basically wasn't able to drain the tears and they would dry up and get crusty around his eye. The doctor gave us some eye drops and it cleared up within a day!

    The little slow poke is finally starting to push his head and shoulders off the ground. While a lot of babies are starting to roll over from their tummy to back, this little guy shows no interest. He enjoys licking the mat too much! But I'm sure he'll get there in his own time. In the meantime, I'll just keep making him practice!

That's all for now. Just a quick boring update. He's starting to wake from his nap and I've got a ton of packing to do!

Until next time~~


  1. Nice update!! I can't believe you have to move again!!! And with a new baby and a trip to prepare for. But of course you will do it all in your stride. I can never tell you enough how cute and scrumptious Jacet looks. We all talk about his pics in this house!!! Even Nick (who doesn't express his opinion much) said the other day what a cute baby Jacet is.

    1. Thanks Aunt Janet! He is pretty cute! Tomo and I love showing him off to people :)
      Jacet has actually been pretty good and let's me pack. He loves the TV so if he watched that I can get some packing time in lol. I wish you guys could meet him!!

  2. Nelly! Wani here. Congratulations! Jacet is sooooo adorable! All the best! Nice to read all your updates =)
