Thursday, March 20, 2014

11 Months Old - Growing Like A Weed!

I really do mean to update monthly, but time just gets away from me. I do have an excuse for missing 10 months though! We were visiting Tomo's family, which was a wonderful time.
So let's get down to business! (Warning: thoughts are jumbled so writing will be jumbled. Bear with me!)

Here I come!
Jacet is still growing like a weed and learning new things constantly. Before visiting the in-laws he was barely standing on his own, but during that 20 day visit, he not only started standing without support, but he started walking! At 10 months! I couldn't believe how quickly he picked it up. He walks constantly now and even tries running a little...still needs to work on that though. We just bought him his first pair of little shoes and he's already a pro at walking in them!

After we got back from that visit, we had to move yet again. The new apartment is bigger than the previous one and has lots of room for Jacet to practice his walking. There's even a room to use as his playroom...though he rarely plays with any of his actual toys. He prefers household items... It's a nice apartment and the area is pretty nice. There's supermarkets and shopping nearby, as well as a pond and park. Not to mention the beach is just a short 15 minute drive away. Can't wait for summer!

Jacet now has 6 teeth! Four on top and two on the bottom. He's also eating practically normal foods, just chopped, softened (if needed), and a thinner flavor. He loves strawberries and kiwi. Recently I've started letting him hold the spoon or fork to let him try using it. He's making progress. I have to help out the food on but he brings it to his mouth on his own. 

He loves looking at animals and makes happy noises every time they are on tv or when he sees stuffed animals at the store. I really want to being him to a pet store and see his reaction! He also likes to bounce and "sing" along to songs on tv. 
I've started trying to start the weaning process. Right now we're just having a snack time and then I'll nurse to fill him up, but after he's a year old I'm hoping to eventually replace the nursing with cow's milk so that he'll only be nursing before bed and in the morning. But of course, if he's not ready then I'll wait until he is.

Snack Time & Mickey's Clubhouse

According to our home scale, Jacet weighs about 9.2 kg (about 20 lbs), which is a little lower than average but is keeping on track with his growing curve. He's always been lower than average...
I'm not sure about his height, but we'll find that out at his 1 year doctor visit coming up next month! 

And let's not forget the big news: we booked our tickets to America! Jacet and I. Tomo isn't sure if he'll be able to take off work so he'll be buying his ticket later if he can. Jacet and I will be visiting for a whole month. I'm already excited! 

Stay Tuned!

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